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Final Reflection Essay

Lillith Drake

My project is learning and creating the steps to open and run my own business or restaurant. The idea for my project came from wanting to own a restaurant later on in life. My dad owns his own business and when we didn’t make or have any money I wanted to learn how to help out my family. Taking on a business is something I’ve wanted to do and feel like I have the skills to do.
The success of my project was learning more about how to run a business.  I have received my food handlers license and am in the process of getting my manager's certification through JTED. I have learned it take time, effort,stress and a lot of dedication to run a business. Hurdles I have overcome from this project that i’ve had are deciding if I should continue down the path of opening my own restaurant, because an outcome could be it not working out. I’ve had to learn to be okay with failing because the outcome will be worth it as well as all the experience I’ve gained.
I have rethought this project so many times, and have adjust everything so it can give me the most benefits. I have looked at whether or not I want to own a business, a restaurant or just sick with a manager position. I would like to have learn more about what I can do later on with all of the skills I have aquired by doing this project.
My weakness with the project was keeping up with all the due dates and keeping this all organized. I went back many times to fix and re-do previous posts, assignments so I can present it better. The most important thing I’ve learned from doing this project is, accept failure, it will all work out eventually. You have to fail to get the skills on what not to do and how to go about things in the future.  You have to want to learn more and by doing so success will be achievable.
If I had to do this project again I would definitely choose the same topic. I want to know more about how to be successful doing something I love and I am passionate about. Even though I would choose the same topic I would go a completely different direction on how to go about this. I would’ve stayed more organized and kept up-to-date with all of the assignments, and narrowed it down. Next years seniors I suggest you pick something you are passionate about and truly want to know more about because it will seem like a drag if you don’t. Stay on top of the assignments its too easy to fall behind.


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