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Interview and Interview Reflection

I interviewed my JTED teacher Chef Brown, She owns two restaurants.

Interview Questions

What does success look like in the restaurant industry?
Success in the restaurant industry means creating a profit after the end of the day. Having a restaurant that is well known with customers satisfied and return. Also, creating an environment where employees are happy and turn-over is minimal. Finally, a successful restaurant is one that survives a bad economy and lasts for generations.
What does it mean to you to own a restaurant?
It means responsibility and satisfaction of being your own boss. Through the long days – at the end of the week, you are working for yourself. The sense of accomplishment and pride is one that I would like to demonstration to my employees and students.
 What is necessary for opening your own restaurant?
A business plan, capital for equipment and supplies, a good location where another restaurant has not failed, adequate parking, great product, marketing and experience.
What is good training to have?
Experience is a must in the restaurant industry as well as ServSafe and as many certifications as you can acquire. Also, having a mentor to help you through the rough times really helps. As far as a partner, I have mixed feelings depending on your business relationship.
 What is the steps to open a restaurant?
To open a restaurant you need to apply for health permit, business license, lease or ownership of a building, financing, business plan, marketing plan and a grand opening.
What is a good thing to think of when you’re planning a business?
Your finances, where to open the restaurant, experience and knowing that you have to work a lot of hours with little to no pay until you finally start seeing a profit.
Any advice to someone starting a restaurant?
Be prepared to work 7-days a week for little to no money. Employees always need to be paid first. Also, you need capital and a great business plan. Work hard and invest


Hard work does pay off when you open your own business. It will always take time, more, blood sweat and tears but it's worth it. There will always be struggles but there is always a reward in the end. You can never learn enough things to be successful.  With success there will be failure, because you will ever know what is right until it was wrong first.
