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Project Proposal

Lillith Drake
English 12
Period 1
10 February 2017
Palo Verde Passion Project Proposal
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent but the one who is most responsive to change”(Charles Darwin)When being a strong leader or manager, it means adapting to a changing environment, whether it be within the company or the outside world. When becoming a strong business you are always adapting to what the employee’s needs are, or what the new rules may be. When being a strong restaurant that means always willing to make a better place and having them want more and more. I have always been passionate about food, and leading a team. I am interested in management, because I enjoy responsibility and leading a team to succeed. I have been around the restaurant industry my entire life, as well as a strong team of leaders. Throughout this project I want to learn about what is needed to own and operate my own business and learn what makes a good leader and more about the restaurant industry. People who might be interested in this project will be anyone looking into the restaurant or management field.
There are many things I already know about the basics of a restaurant, but there is also many things to learn and to use later on. The basics that I’ve already learned is what certifications are needed and what basic skills should be. There is more things to learn and to go more in depth about what is necessary.To expand my knowledge about the field of restaurant management, I  will need to look more into  how the whole process works. I will need to research; what do you need to open a restaurant, what are the best qualifications to have when working in a restaurant, what types of qualities and qualifications are needed to be a manager for a small business/ restaurant, what type of food is the most popular in the United States, and where is a good location to have a restaurant, and last what is needed to start up a restaurant. I already know some of the certifications you need to work in a restaurant,and what some good qualities to have when working in a restaurant.
To find some good information I will have to talk to someone who knows how to open and run a restaurant.  I have a few people I can ask about the basics and how to start a business from the ground up. I have one who runs a restaurant, someone who owns and operates their own business and  someone who can do both.  To find the information I will research the basics of a restaurant. What sort of items are needed to open and run a restaurant.  I can ask my culinary arts teacher about what she needed to do when she opened it. I will need to know what qualifications and certificates are needed. I need to study what is on the tests. Specific books i need to read are , ServSafe, and ServSafe Management. I am interviewing my JTED teacher, she is an expert because she owns two restaurants, and has been in the culinary field for 20 years. I can interview my dad who owns his own business and has started it up about 10 years ago.  Someone who has been a manager and worked their way up since they were 16.
By doing this project I hope to learn more about my future job and possible career.  I am also trying to make it easier by explaining it to a younger audience about how to be successful as a manager and as a restaurant owner.  I am creating a scrapbook to explain what is needed to do to open up a business. The scrapbook will include, study material for the certificates, pictures of restaurants, interviews with owners and an estimate of how much money will be needed. Hopefully this will inspire more people to follow their dreams and open their own business.I hope the outcome of my research is, going to make me want to have this as an actual job in the future. I am hoping to have my manager license by the end of this school year. I also would like to get a jump on the business aspect  so I know what is to come in future years when I hopefully open my own restaurant.
Throughout this project I want to learn what is needed to open a restaurant, because it is hopefully going to be my lifelong career. I want to have somewhat of an idea of what is needed so that later on I can be sure this is what I want to do.  

ServSafe Coursebook. Chicago, IL: National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation, 2014. Print.

"Manager." ServSafe® Food Safety Program for Managers - ServSafe®. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.


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