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Interview and Interview Reflection

I interviewed my JTED teacher Chef Brown, She owns two restaurants. Interview Questions What does success look like in the restaurant industry? Success in the restaurant industry means creating a profit after the end of the day. Having a restaurant that is well known with customers satisfied and return. Also, creating an environment where employees are happy and turn-over is minimal. Finally, a successful restaurant is one that survives a bad economy and lasts for generations. What does it mean to you to own a restaurant? It means responsibility and satisfaction of being your own boss. Through the long days – at the end of the week, you are working for yourself. The sense of accomplishment and pride is one that I would like to demonstration to my employees and students.  What is necessary for opening your own restaurant? A business plan, capital for equipment and supplies, a good location where another restaurant has not failed, adequate parking, great product, marketing and
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Weekly Update #7

I am still somewhat confused about what we are turning in. We don't have to do the creative piece, but were explaining the process. I am glad I didn't buy the stuff for the scrapbook yet. I have to start my final reflection essay and fill in any missing assignments from this. I am trying to get everything done on time so I don't have to wait to the end of the deadline.

Weekly Update #6

Almost everything is done for the project. I just need to actually get the stuff for my creative piece. I will need to buy, a scrapbook, scrapbook paper, print out pictures. I will hopefully get everything this week and begin it. I will also be done gathering all my research by next week to be almost done with this project.

Weekly Update #5

Starting my interview questions and what to do for them. I have an idea of what is needed. I want to compare what it's like to own a business, rather than a restaurant. I think owning a business would be easier because there would be less people you are having to work with in the process. I am still wanting to peruse my career in the restaurant/ business industry.

Weekly Update #4

I'm confused about the creative piece again to do it or not. I am trying to figure out all that is needed for the project. I am also trying to work more on this project and focus on what is needed. I also need to get the information to get certifications still.

Weekly Update # 3

Weekly Update #3 I have started researching what an elevator pitch is, and how to create one. I should begin recording soon, I just need to have someone record it. I should be getting more information from another person who owns their own business. I am looking into what certifications you will need for the restaurant industry and how much they cost, what is needed to take the tests.

Weekly Update #2

I need to get the books still to research more about the restaurant certifications. I am also planning on comparing answers of what they said is needed. I need to get the items for my creative piece. I am making a scrapbook going on about how own a business. My proposal is submitted and is waiting to be graded.