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Showing posts from May, 2017

Interview and Interview Reflection

I interviewed my JTED teacher Chef Brown, She owns two restaurants. Interview Questions What does success look like in the restaurant industry? Success in the restaurant industry means creating a profit after the end of the day. Having a restaurant that is well known with customers satisfied and return. Also, creating an environment where employees are happy and turn-over is minimal. Finally, a successful restaurant is one that survives a bad economy and lasts for generations. What does it mean to you to own a restaurant? It means responsibility and satisfaction of being your own boss. Through the long days – at the end of the week, you are working for yourself. The sense of accomplishment and pride is one that I would like to demonstration to my employees and students.  What is necessary for opening your own restaurant? A business plan, capital for equipment and supplies, a good location where another restaurant has not failed, adequate parking, great product, marketing and

Weekly Update #7

I am still somewhat confused about what we are turning in. We don't have to do the creative piece, but were explaining the process. I am glad I didn't buy the stuff for the scrapbook yet. I have to start my final reflection essay and fill in any missing assignments from this. I am trying to get everything done on time so I don't have to wait to the end of the deadline.

Weekly Update #6

Almost everything is done for the project. I just need to actually get the stuff for my creative piece. I will need to buy, a scrapbook, scrapbook paper, print out pictures. I will hopefully get everything this week and begin it. I will also be done gathering all my research by next week to be almost done with this project.

Weekly Update #5

Starting my interview questions and what to do for them. I have an idea of what is needed. I want to compare what it's like to own a business, rather than a restaurant. I think owning a business would be easier because there would be less people you are having to work with in the process. I am still wanting to peruse my career in the restaurant/ business industry.

Weekly Update #4

I'm confused about the creative piece again to do it or not. I am trying to figure out all that is needed for the project. I am also trying to work more on this project and focus on what is needed. I also need to get the information to get certifications still.

Weekly Update # 3

Weekly Update #3 I have started researching what an elevator pitch is, and how to create one. I should begin recording soon, I just need to have someone record it. I should be getting more information from another person who owns their own business. I am looking into what certifications you will need for the restaurant industry and how much they cost, what is needed to take the tests.

Weekly Update #2

I need to get the books still to research more about the restaurant certifications. I am also planning on comparing answers of what they said is needed. I need to get the items for my creative piece. I am making a scrapbook going on about how own a business. My proposal is submitted and is waiting to be graded.

Weekly- Update

I have completed the interview for my chef at school, I am waiting for my dad to finish his interview, as well as a manager of a restaurant. I need to get the books and start reading them to learn more about the restaurant industry. I want to get more info for the rest of what to do. I would like to compare and contrast what it's like to open a regular business vs a restaurant.       I am still super confused about what we are supposed to be doing as far as the project, and creative piece. I would like more clarification on what we need to do.       My future plans with this is to get the books I need to read and take notes on it,come up with my interview questions and send them two the three people I need to interview. I will also be coming up with a list of certifications you need to be any owner.

MLA Format

2-5 Questions about MLA format. What does MLA Format do ? MLA format is a way of citing information, with a set outline. What is required to do MLA format ? Begin your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your research paper. It should have the same one-inch margins and last name, page number header as the rest of your paper. Label the page Works Cited (do not italicize the words Works Cited or put them in quotation marks) and center the words Works Cited at the top of the page. Double space all citations, but do not skip spaces between entries. Indent the second and subsequent lines of citations by 0.5 inches to create a hanging indent. List page numbers of sources efficiently, when needed. If you refer to a journal article that appeared on pages 225 through 250, list the page numbers on your Works Cited page as 225-50. Note that MLA style uses a hyphen in a span of pages. If you're citing an article or a publication that was originally issued in print f

Elevator Pitch

el·e·va·tor pitch noun US informal a succinct and persuasive sales pitch. Quick and brief explanation of what is going on and and overview of what you would like

Final Reflection Essay

Lillith Drake My project is learning and creating the steps to open and run my own business or restaurant. The idea for my project came from wanting to own a restaurant later on in life. My dad owns his own business and when we didn’t make or have any money I wanted to learn how to help out my family. Taking on a business is something I’ve wanted to do and feel like I have the skills to do. The success of my project was learning more about how to run a business.  I have received my food handlers license and am in the process of getting my manager's certification through JTED. I have learned it take time, effort,stress and a lot of dedication to run a business. Hurdles I have overcome from this project that i’ve had are deciding if I should continue down the path of opening my own restaurant, because an outcome could be it not working out. I’ve had to learn to be okay with failing because the outcome will be worth it as well as all the experience I’ve gained. I have rethough

Check-in # 1

Lillith Drake Period 1 Check-in #1      My project has been started. I have gotten some of the books to start reading. While I have also went through the basics of what I would like to accomplish throughout this project. I have made a list for how to go about the rest of the project. Interview my JTED teacher Owner of a restaurant Teacher Has manager experience and certifications Interview my dad's friend Owns his own business has business degree knows how to run and operate a business Interview a restaurant manager Has manager experience Has Certifications  Look up business certifications  Look up restaurant certifications Look up what is needed for both  

Project Proposal

Lillith Drake English 12 Period 1 10 February 2017 Palo Verde Passion Project Proposal “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent but the one who is most responsive to change”(Charles Darwin)When being a strong leader or manager, it means adapting to a changing environment, whether it be within the company or the outside world. When becoming a strong business you are always adapting to what the employee’s needs are, or what the new rules may be. When being a strong restaurant that means always willing to make a better place and having them want more and more. I have always been passionate about food, and leading a team. I am interested in management, because I enjoy responsibility and leading a team to succeed. I have been around the restaurant industry my entire life, as well as a strong team of leaders. Throughout this project I want to learn about what is needed to own and operate my own business and learn what makes a good leader

Action Plan

Action Plan  Research how to open a restaurant, a business and being a manager Interview a person who has done each of those things Read how to open a restaurant, how to be a manager and how to open a business Look into what is needed to do all of those Compare each of the topics and pick which one is most useful Create a scrapbook type book about the steps and how to do each of those. 

Brainstorm for project.

Brainstorm Business openings how to run a business what is needed options  Restaurant Management What's needed Types of Certifications How to Running a restaurant from the ground up Steps Certifications what's needed experience